Attachment 'Mc.bib'
Download 1 %%%% Nf=2+1+1
2 %%%% FLAG collaboration tag: ETM 14
3 @article{Carrasco:2014cwa,
4 author = "Carrasco, N. and others",
5 title = "{Up, down, strange and charm quark masses with N$_f$ =
6 2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD}",
7 collaboration = "European Twisted Mass",
8 journal = "Nucl. Phys.",
9 volume = "B887",
10 year = "2014",
11 pages = "19-68",
12 doi = "10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2014.07.025",
13 eprint = "1403.4504",
14 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
15 primaryClass = "hep-lat",
16 reportNumber = "PREPRINT-MITP-14-020, ROM2F-2014-01, RM3-TH-14-4",
17 SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:1403.4504;%%"
18 }
19 %%%% FLAG collaboration tag: HPQCD 14A
20 @article{Chakraborty:2014aca,
21 author = "Chakraborty, Bipasha and Davies, C. T. H. and Galloway,
22 B. and Knecht, P. and Koponen, J. and Donald, G. C. and
23 Dowdall, R. J. and Lepage, G. P. and McNeile, C.",
24 title = "{High-precision quark masses and QCD coupling from
25 $n_f=4$ lattice QCD}",
26 journal = "Phys. Rev.",
27 volume = "D91",
28 year = "2015",
29 number = "5",
30 pages = "054508",
31 doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.91.054508",
32 eprint = "1408.4169",
33 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
34 primaryClass = "hep-lat",
35 SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:1408.4169;%%"
36 }
37 %%%% Nf=2+1
38 %%%% FLAG collaboration tag: HPQCD 10
39 @article{McNeile:2010ji,
40 author = "McNeile, C. and Davies, C. T. H. and Follana, E. and
41 Hornbostel, K. and Lepage, G. P.",
42 title = "{High-Precision c and b Masses, and QCD Coupling from
43 Current-Current Correlators in Lattice and Continuum QCD}",
44 journal = "Phys. Rev.",
45 volume = "D82",
46 year = "2010",
47 pages = "034512",
48 doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.82.034512",
49 eprint = "1004.4285",
50 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
51 primaryClass = "hep-lat",
52 SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:1004.4285;%%"
53 }
54 %%%% FLAG collaboration tag: $\chi$QCD 14
55 @article{Yang:2014sea,
56 author = "Yang, Yi-Bo and others",
57 title = "{Charm and strange quark masses and $f_{D_s}$ from
58 overlap fermions}",
59 journal = "Phys. Rev.",
60 volume = "D92",
61 year = "2015",
62 number = "3",
63 pages = "034517",
64 doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.92.034517",
65 eprint = "1410.3343",
66 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
67 primaryClass = "hep-lat",
68 SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:1410.3343;%%"
69 }
70 %%%% Nf=2
71 %%%% FLAG collaboration tag: ETM 10B
72 @article{Blossier:2010cr,
73 author = "Blossier, B. and Dimopoulos, P. and Frezzotti, R. and
74 Lubicz, V. and Petschlies, M. and Sanfilippo, F. and
75 Simula, S. and Tarantino, C.",
76 title = "{Average up/down, strange and charm quark masses with
77 Nf=2 twisted mass lattice QCD}",
78 collaboration = "ETM",
79 journal = "Phys. Rev.",
80 volume = "D82",
81 year = "2010",
82 pages = "114513",
83 doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.82.114513",
84 eprint = "1010.3659",
85 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
86 primaryClass = "hep-lat",
87 reportNumber = "LPT-ORSAY-10-77, RM3-TH-10-9, ROM2F-2010-16, HU-EP-10-59",
88 SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:1010.3659;%%"
89 }
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