Attachment ''
Download 1 # FLA plot for Vus and Vud
2 # check whether numpy library is present
3 try:
4 import numpy
5 except ImportError:
6 print "numpy library not found. If you want the FLAG-logo to be added to the"
7 print "plot, please install this library"
8 import numpy as np
9 ################################################################################
10 # Please edit the following blocks #############################################
11 ################################################################################
12 FS=6
13 MS=7
15 # layout specifications
16 titlestring = "$\\rm |V_{us}|$" # plot title
17 plotnamestring = "Vusud" # filename for plot
18 plotxticks = ([[.22, .23]])# locations for x-ticks
19 nminorticks = 3 # number of intermediate minor ticks
20 # 0 if none
22 yaxisstrings = [ # x,y-location for y-strings
23 [+.208,55.0,"$\\rm N_f=2+1+1$"],
24 [+.208,34.0,"$\\rm N_f=2+1$"],
25 [+.208,12.5,"$\\rm N_f=2$"]
26 ]
27 xlimits = [.21,.24] # plot's xlimits
28 logo = 'upper left' # either of 'upper left'
29 # 'upper left'
30 # 'lower left'
31 # 'lower right'
32 tpos = 0.235 # x-position for the data labels
33 tpos2=300
34 REV=1
38 # the following blocks contain the list of
39 # lattice results that will be plotted, one block for 2, 2+1 and 2+1+1,
40 # respectively
41 #
42 # column item
43 # 0 central value
44 # 1 position on the y-axis
45 # 2 neg. error
46 # 3 pos. error
47 # 4 Collaboration string
48 # 5 this column contains layout parameters for the plot-symbol and
49 # and the collaboration text:
50 # column item
51 # 0 marker style (see bottom of this file for a full list)
52 # 1 marker face color r=red, b=blue, k=black, w=white
53 # g=green
54 # 2 marker color (errorbar and frame), color coding as
55 # for face color
56 # 3 color intensity 0=full, 1=soso, 2=bleak
57 # THE DATA #####################################################################
60 datVus2p1p1=[
61 [0.2251 ,0.00045 ,0.00045 ,0,0,"FNAL/MILC 17",['s','g','g',0,tpos]],
62 [0.2230 ,0.001118 ,0.001118 ,0,0,"ETM 16 ",['^','g','g',0,tpos]],
63 [0.227000,0.002973 ,0.002973 ,0,0,"ETM 14E ",['s','g','g',0,tpos]],
64 [0.224900,0.000566 ,0.000566 ,0,0,"FNAL/MILC 14A",['s','l','g',0,tpos]],
65 [0.223100,0.000860 ,0.000860 ,0,0,"FNAL/MILC 13E",['^','g','g',0,tpos]],
66 [0.222898,0.0010534 ,0.0010534 ,0,0,"FNAL/MILC 13C ",['^','l','g',0,tpos]],
67 [0.227045,0.003156 ,0.003156 ,0,0,"ETM 13F ",['s','l','g',0,tpos]],
68 [0.225600,0.000500 ,0.000500 ,0,0,"HPQCD 13A ",['s','g','g',0,tpos]],
69 [0.224935,0.000896274,0.000896274,0,0,"MILC 13A ",['s','l','g',0,tpos]],
70 [0.226713,0.000951708,0.000951708,0,0,"MILC 11 (stat. err. only) ",['s','l','g',0,tpos]],
71 [0.22034 ,0.00227933 ,0.00227933 ,0,0,"ETM 10E (stat. err. only) ",['s','l','g',0,tpos]]]
73 datVus2p1=[
74 [0.2244 ,0.0014 ,0.0014 ,0,0,"JLQCD 17 ",['^','w','r',0,tpos]],
75 [0.2259 ,0.0029 ,0.0029 ,0,0,"QCDSF/UKQCD 16 ",['s','g','g',0,tpos]],
76 [0.2281 ,0.0052 ,0.0052 ,0,0,"Durr 16 ",['s','g','g',0,tpos]],
77 [0.223500,0.000949 ,0.000949 ,0,0,"RBC/UKQCD 15A",['^','g','g',0,tpos]],
78 [0.225600,0.000949 ,0.000949 ,0,0,"RBC/UKQCD 14B",['s','g','g',0,tpos]],
79 [0.223681,0.000809161,0.00127027 ,0,0,"RBC/UKQCD 13 ",['^','l','g',0,tpos]],
80 [0.224900,0.00333 ,0.00333 ,0,0,"RBC/UKQCD 12 ",['s','l','g',0,tpos]],
81 [0.224000,0.00106 ,0.00106 ,0,0,"FNAL/MILC 12I ",['^','g','g',0,tpos]],
82 [0.225547,0.00128635 ,0.00128635 ,0,0,"JLQCD 12 ",['^','w','r',0,tpos]],
83 [0.223637,0.00271382 ,0.00271382 ,0,0,"Laiho 11 ",['s','l','g',0,tpos]],
84 [0.224378,0.00148975 ,0.00148975 ,0,0,"JLQCD 11 ",['^','w','r',0,tpos]],
85 [0.225000,0.00103 ,0.00103 ,0,0,"MILC 10 ",['s','g','g',0,tpos]],
86 [0.219335,0.00326018 ,0.00326018 ,0,0,"JLQCD/TWQCD 10 ",['s','w','r',0,tpos]],
87 [0.223759,0.00461451 ,0.00461451 ,0,0,"RBC/UKQCD 10A ",['s','l','g',0,tpos]],
88 [0.225336,0.00124336 ,0.00149455 ,0,0,"RBC/UKQCD 10 ",['^','w','r',0,tpos]],
89 [0.225900,0.00170 ,0.00170 ,0,0,"BMW 10 ",['s','g','g',0,tpos]],
90 #[0.203396,0.0105398 ,0.0105398 ,0,0,"PACS-CS 09 ",['s','w','r',0,tpos]],
91 #[0.222722,0.00216215 ,0.00216215 ,0,0,"JLQCD/TWQCD 09A (stat. err. only)",['s','w','r',0,tpos]],
92 [0.224347,0.00118924 ,0.00151653 ,0,0,"MILC 09A ",['s','l','g',0,tpos]],
93 [0.224525,0.00125581 ,0.0024076 ,0,0,"MILC 09 ",['s','l','g',0,tpos]],
94 [0.225598,0.00421489 ,0.00421489 ,0,0,"Aubin 08 ",['s','l','g',0,tpos]],
95 #[0.226393,0.00365766 ,0.00365766 ,0,0,"PACS-CS 08 ",['s','w','r',0,tpos]],
96 [0.223586,0.011394 ,0.011394 ,0,0,"RBC/UKQCD 08 ",['s','w','r',0,tpos]],
97 [0.224285,0.00126057 ,0.00126057 ,0,0,"RBC/UKQCD 07 ",['^','w','r',0,tpos]],
98 [0.226500,0.00143 ,0.00143 ,0,0,"HPQCD/UKQCD 07 ",['s','g','g',0,tpos]],
99 #[0.221355,0.00199591 ,0.00419271 ,0,0,"NPLQCD 06 ",['s','w','r',0,tpos]],
100 [0.223059,0.00241463 ,0.00241463 ,0,0,"MILC 04 ",['s','l','g',0,tpos]]]
101 datVus2=[
102 [0.223992,0.00113162 ,0.00113162 ,0,0,"ETM 14D (stat. err. only)",['s','w','r',0,tpos]],
103 [0.227088,0.00123433 ,0.00123433 ,0,0,"ALPHA 13A ",['s','l','g',0,tpos]],
104 #[0.222186,0.0071382 ,0.0071382 ,0,0,"BGR 11 ",['s','w','r',0,tpos]],
105 [0.226617,0.00149888 ,0.00149888 ,0,0,"ETM 10D (stat. err. only)",['s','l','g',0,tpos]],
106 [0.226635,0.00169761 ,0.00169761 ,0,0,"ETM 10D (stat. err. only)",['^','l','g',0,tpos]],
107 [0.226500,0.00205 ,0.00205 ,0,0,"ETM 09A ",['^','g','g',0,tpos]],
108 [0.223300,0.00320 ,0.00320 ,0,0,"ETM 09 ",['s','g','g',0,tpos]],
109 [0.223059,0.00526981 ,0.00526981 ,0,0,"QCDSF/UKQCD 07 ",['s','l','g',0,tpos]],
110 [0.224215,0.000624638,0.000624638,0,0,"QCDSF 07 (stat. err. only)",['^','w','r',0,tpos]],
111 [0.223450,0.00254975 ,0.00254975 ,0,0,"RBC 06 ",['^','w','r',0,tpos]],
112 [0.223681,0.00148108 ,0.00148108 ,0,0,"JLQCD 05 ",['^','w','r',0,tpos]]]
116 datVusother1=[
117 [0.2186,0.0021,0.0021,0,0,"HFAG 16 $\\tau$ decay",['o','b','b',0,tpos]],
118 [0.2231,0.0027,0.0027,0,0,"Hudspith 17 $\\tau$ decay and $e^+e^-$",['o','b','b',0,tpos]],
119 [0.2208,0.0023,0.0023,0,0,"Hudspith 17 $\\tau$ decay and $e^+e^-$",['o','b','b',0,tpos]]
120 #[0.2208,0.0039,0.0039,0,0,"Maltman 09 $\\tau$ decay and $e^+e^-$",['o','b','b',0,tpos]],
121 #[0.2165,0.00264764,0.00264764,0,0,"Gamiz 08 $\\tau$ decay",['o','b','b',0,tpos]]
122 ]
124 datVusother2=[
125 [0.225652,0.000907,0.000907,0,0,"Hardy 16 nuclear $\\beta$ decay",['o','b','b',0,tpos]]
126 ]
127 ###
128 datVud2p1p1=[
129 [0.974320,0.000103 ,0.000103 ,0,0,"FNAL/MILC 17",['s','g','g',0,tpos2]],
130 [0.974810,0.000250 ,0.0002550 ,0,0,"ETM 16 ",['^','g','g',0,tpos2]],
131 [0.973880,0.000694 ,0.000694 ,0,0,"ETM 14E ",['s','g','g',0,tpos2]],
132 [0.974380,0.000120 ,0.000120 ,0,0,"FNAL/MILC 14A",['s','l','g',0,tpos2]],
133 [0.974790,0.000200 ,0.000200 ,0,0,"FNAL/MILC 13E",['^','g','g',0,tpos2]],
134 [0.974833,0.000240872,0.000240872,0,0,"FNAL/MILC 13C ",['^','l','g',0,tpos2]],
135 [0.973875,0.000735779,0.000735779,0,0,"ETM 13F ",['s','l','g',0,tpos2]],
136 [0.974200,0.000122 ,0.000122 ,0,0,"HPQCD 13A ",['s','g','g',0,tpos2]],
137 [0.974365,0.000206917,0.000206917,0,0,"MILC 13A ",['s','l','g',0,tpos2]],
138 [0.973953,0.000221544,0.000221544,0,0,"MILC 11 ",['s','l','g',0,tpos2]],
139 [0.975414,0.000514891,0.000514891,0,0,"ETM 10E ",['s','l','g',0,tpos2]]]
140 datVud2p1=[
141 [0.974490,0.00031 ,0.00031 ,0,0,"JLQCD 17 ",['^','w','r',0,tpos2]],
142 [0.974130,0.00068 ,0.00068 ,0,0,"QCDSF/UKQCD 16 ",['s','g','g',0,tpos2]],
143 [0.973630,0.00120 ,0.00120 ,0,0,"Durr 16 ",['s','g','g',0,tpos2]],
144 [0.974690,0.000212 ,0.000212 ,0,0,"RBC/UKQCD 15A ",['^','g','g',0,tpos2]],
145 [0.974210,0.000231 ,0.000231 ,0,0,"RBC/UKQCD 14B ",['s','g','g',0,tpos2]],
146 [0.974653,0.000291532,0.000185713,0,0,"RBC/UKQCD 13 ",['^','l','g',0,tpos2]],
147 [0.974380,0.000766 ,0.000766 ,0,0,"RBC/UKQCD 12 ",['s','l','g',0,tpos2]],
148 [0.974590,0.000241 ,0.000241 ,0,0,"FNAL/MILC 12I ",['^','g','g',0,tpos2]],
149 [0.974223,0.000297817,0.000297817,0,0,"JLQCD 12 ",['^','w','r',0,tpos2]],
150 [0.974664,0.000622692,0.000622692,0,0,"Laiho 11 ",['s','l','g',0,tpos2]],
151 [0.974493,0.000343021,0.000343021,0,0,"JLQCD 11 ",['^','w','r',0,tpos2]],
152 [0.974340,0.000237 ,0.000237 ,0,0,"MILC 10 ",['s','g','g',0,tpos2]],
153 [0.975641,0.000732928,0.000732928,0,0,"JLQCD/TWQCD 10 ",['s','w','r',0,tpos2]],
154 [0.974636,0.00105941 ,0.00105941 ,0,0,"RBC/UKQCD 10A ",['s','l','g',0,tpos2]],
155 [0.974272,0.000345677,0.000287581,0,0,"RBC/UKQCD 10 ",['^','w','r',0,tpos2]],
156 [0.974130,0.000391 ,0.000391 ,0,0,"BMW 10 ",['s','g','g',0,tpos2]],
157 #[0.979088,0.00218955 ,0.00218955 ,0,0,"PACS-CS 09 ",['s','w','r',0,tpos2]],
158 #[0.974873,0.000493975,0.000493975,0,0,"JLQCD/TWQCD 09A",['s','w','r',0,tpos2]],
159 [0.974501,0.000349138,0.000273791,0,0,"MILC 09A ",['s','l','g',0,tpos2]],
160 [0.97446 ,0.000554738,0.000289357,0,0,"MILC 09 ",['s','l','g',0,tpos2]],
161 [0.974212,0.000976044,0.000976044,0,0,"Aubin 08 ",['s','l','g',0,tpos2]],
162 #[0.974027,0.00085015 ,0.00085015 ,0,0,"PACS-CS 08 ",['s','w','r',0,tpos2]],
163 [0.974675,0.00261373 ,0.00261373 ,0,0,"RBC/UKQCD 08 ",['s','w','r',0,tpos2]],
164 [0.974515,0.000290127,0.000290127,0,0,"RBC/UKQCD 07 ",['^','w','r',0,tpos2]],
165 [0.974010,0.000322 ,0.000322 ,0,0,"HPQCD/UKQCD 07 ",['s','g','g',0,tpos2]],
166 #[0.975184,0.000951696,0.000453051,0,0,"NPLQCD 06 ",['s','w','r',0,tpos2]],
167 [0.974796,0.000552534,0.000552534,0,0,"MILC 04 ",['s','l','g',0,tpos2]]]
168 datVud2=[
169 [0.974582,0.000260076,0.000260076,0,0,"ETM 14D ",['s','w','r',0,tpos2]],
170 [0.973866,0.000287831,0.000287831,0,0,"ALPHA 13A ",['s','l','g',0,tpos2]],
171 #[0.974995,0.00162669 ,0.00162669 ,0,0,"BGR 11 ",['s','w','r',0,tpos2]],
172 [0.973975,0.000348754,0.000348754,0,0,"ETM 10D ",['s','l','g',0,tpos2]],
173 [0.973971,0.000395024,0.000395024,0,0,"ETM 10D ",['^','l','g',0,tpos2]],
174 [0.974010,0.000474 ,0.000474 ,0,0,"ETM 09A ",['^','g','g',0,tpos2]],
175 [0.974750,0.000734 ,0.000734 ,0,0,"ETM 09 ",['s','g','g',0,tpos2]],
176 [0.974796,0.00120587 ,0.00120587 ,0,0,"QCDSF/UKQCD 07 ",['s','l','g',0,tpos2]],
177 [0.974531,0.000143728,0.000143728,0,0,"QCDSF 07 ",['^','w','r',0,tpos2]],
178 [0.974706,0.000584532,0.000584532,0,0,"RBC 06 ",['^','w','r',0,tpos2]],
179 [0.974653,0.000339911,0.000339911,0,0,"JLQCD 05 ",['^','w','r',0,tpos2]]]
183 datVudother1=[
184 [0.97420 ,0.00021 ,0.00021 ,0,0,"Hardy 16 nuclear $\\beta$ decay" ,['o','b','b',0,tpos2]]
185 ]
187 datVudother2=[
188 [0.975807,0.00046,0.00046,0,0,"HFAG 16 $\\tau$ decay",['o','b','b',0,tpos2]],
189 [0.974788,0.000602,0.000602,0,0,"Hudspith 17 $\\tau$ decay and $e^+e^-$",['o','b','b',0,tpos2]],
190 [0.975311,0.000483,0.000483,0,0,"Hudspith 17 $\\tau$ decay and $e^+e^-$",['o','b','b',0,tpos2]]
191 #[0.975311,0.000883,0.000883,0,0,"M 09 Maltman 09 $\\tau$ decay and $e^+e^-$",['o','b','b',0,tpos2]],
192 #[0.9763 ,0.0006 ,0.0006 ,0,0,"G 08 Gamiz 08 $\\tau$ decay" ,['o','b','b',0,tpos2]]
193 ]
194 # The color coding for the FLAG-average (below) is as for the data itself;
195 # the additional list at the end is the RGB-code for the errorband.
196 # Please note that the order inside the list FLAGaverage (if there is more
197 # than one) # is significant, the last item will be plotted last and will
198 # therefore be plotted on top of all others.
200 FLAGaverage=[ # there should be as many entries for average as there are data sets
201 # in the case where no average is provided for a given data set
202 # just replace the central value by "NaN"
203 #
204 # with respect to the above there is another column at the end specifying
205 # the type of FLAG-band
206 # 0 -> grey area bounded by solid black lines
207 # 1 -> dashed lines marking the edge of the interval
208 [np.nan,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,"placeholderxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx$",['s','k','k',0,tpos],0],
209 [np.nan,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,"placeholderxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx$",['s','k','k',0,tpos],0],
210 [0.2256 ,0.0019 ,0.0019 ,0.000,0.000, "FLAG average for $\\rm N_f=2$",['s','k','k',0,tpos],0],
211 [0.2249 ,0.0005 ,0.0005 ,0.000,0.000, "FLAG average for $\\rm N_f=2+1$",['s','k','k',0,tpos],0],
212 [0.2249 ,0.0007 ,0.0007 ,0.000,0.000, "FLAG average for $\\rm N_f=2+1+1$", ['s','k','k',0,tpos],0]
213 ]
217 # The follwing list should contain the list names of the previous DATA-blocks
218 datasets=[datVusother2,datVusother1,datVus2,datVus2p1,datVus2p1p1]
219 ################################################################################
220 # DO NOT EDIT THE FOLLOWING ####################################################
221 ################################################################################
224 # Now that all the relevant has been specified, generate the plot.
225 # Please make sure that you have a directory called "plots" in you current
226 # working directory. That's where all plots will be stored
228 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
229 fig=plt.figure( )
230 ax=fig.add_subplot(1,2,1)
231 ax.spines["right"].set_color('none')
232 ax.patch.set_facecolor('None')
233 fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.)
234 execfile('')
236 plotnamestring = "Vusud" # filename for plot
238 titlestring = "$\\rm |V_{ud}|$" # plot title
239 xlimits = [.971,.978] # plot's xlimits
240 plotxticks = ([[.973,.975]])# locations for x-ticks
242 logo = 'none'
243 FLAGaverage=[ # there should be as many entries for average as there are data sets
244 # in the case where no average is provided for a given data set
245 # just replace the central value by "NaN"
246 #
247 # with respect to the above there is another column at the end specifying
248 # the type of FLAG-band
249 # 0 -> grey area bounded by solid black lines
250 # 1 -> dashed lines marking the edge of the interval
252 [np.nan,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,"placeholderxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx$",['s','k','k',0,tpos2],0],
253 [np.nan,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,"placeholderxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx$",['s','k','k',0,tpos2],0],
254 [0.97423,0.00044 ,0.00044 ,0.000,0.000, "FLAG average for $\\rm N_f=2$",['s','k','k',0,tpos2],0],
255 [0.97438,0.00012 ,0.00012 ,0.000,0.000, "FLAG average for $N_f=2+1$",['s','k','k',0,tpos2],0],
256 [0.97437,0.00016 ,0.00016 ,0.000,0.000, "FLAg average for $\\rm N_f=2+1+1$", ['s','k','k',0,tpos2],0]
257 ]
258 yaxisstrings = [ # x,y-location for y-strings
259 [+0.5,26.0,"$\\rm N_f=2+1+1$"],
260 [+0.5,14.0,"$\\rm N_f=2+1$"],
261 [+0.5,2.0,"$\\rm N_f=2$"]
262 ]
265 # The follwing list should contain the list names of the previous DATA-blocks
266 datasets=[datVudother1,datVudother2,datVud2,datVud2p1,datVud2p1p1]
268 #ax.spines["right"].set_color('none')
271 ax=fig.add_subplot(1,2,2)
272 ax.patch.set_facecolor('None')
273 ax.spines["left"].set_color('none')
274 execfile('')
276 # additional documentation:
277 # '.' point marker
278 # ',' pixel marker
279 # 'o' circle marker
280 # 'v' triangle_down marker
281 # '^' triangle_up marker
282 # '<' triangle_left marker
283 # '>' triangle_right marker
284 # '1' tri_down marker
285 # '2' tri_up marker
286 # '3' tri_left marker
287 # '4' tri_right marker
288 # 's' square marker
289 # 'p' pentagon marker
290 # '*' star marker
291 # 'h' hexagon1 marker
292 # 'H' hexagon2 marker
293 # '+' plus marker
294 # 'x' x marker
295 # 'D' diamond marker
296 # 'd' thin_diamond marker
297 # '|' vline marker
298 # '_' hline marker
Attached Files
To refer to attachments on a page, use attachment:filename, as shown below in the list of files. Do NOT use the URL of the [get] link, since this is subject to change and can break easily.You are not allowed to attach a file to this page.