Attachment 'ratio_msmud.bib'
Download 1 %%%% Nf=2+1
2 %%%% FLAG collaboration tag: ALPHA 19B
3 @article{Bruno:2019xed,
4 author = "Bruno, M. and Campos, I. and Koponen, J. and Pena, Carlos and Preti, David and Ramos, Alberto and Vladikas, Anastassios",
5 collaboration = "ALPHA",
6 title = "{Light and strange quark masses from $N_f=2+1$ simulations with Wilson fermions}",
7 eprint = "1903.04094",
8 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
9 primaryClass = "hep-lat",
10 doi = "10.22323/1.334.0220",
11 journal = "PoS",
12 volume = "LATTICE2018",
13 pages = "220",
14 year = "2019"
15 }
17 %%%% FLAG collaboration tag: RBC/UKQCD 14B
18 @article{RBC:2014ntl,
19 author = "Blum, T. and others",
20 collaboration = "RBC, UKQCD",
21 title = "{Domain wall QCD with physical quark masses}",
22 eprint = "1411.7017",
23 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
24 primaryClass = "hep-lat",
25 reportNumber = "KEK-TH-1769, RBRC-1095, DAMTP-2014-86",
26 doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.93.074505",
27 journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
28 volume = "93",
29 number = "7",
30 pages = "074505",
31 year = "2016"
32 }
34 %%%% FLAG collaboration tag: MILC 09A
35 @article{MILC:2009ltw,
36 author = "Bazavov, A. and others",
37 collaboration = "MILC",
38 title = "{MILC results for light pseudoscalars}",
39 eprint = "0910.2966",
40 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
41 primaryClass = "hep-ph",
42 doi = "10.22323/1.086.0007",
43 journal = "PoS",
44 volume = "CD09",
45 pages = "007",
46 year = "2009"
47 }
49 %%%% FLAG collaboration tag: BMW 10A
50 @article{Durr:2010vn,
51 author = "Durr, S. and Fodor, Z. and Hoelbling, C. and Katz, S. D. and Krieg, S. and Kurth, T. and Lellouch, L. and Lippert, T. and Szabo, K. K. and Vulvert, G.",
52 title = "{Lattice QCD at the physical point: light quark masses}",
53 eprint = "1011.2403",
54 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
55 primaryClass = "hep-lat",
56 reportNumber = "WUB-10-33, CPT-P054-2010",
57 doi = "10.1016/j.physletb.2011.05.053",
58 journal = "Phys. Lett. B",
59 volume = "701",
60 pages = "265--268",
61 year = "2011"
62 }
64 %%%% FLAG collaboration tag: BMW 10B
65 @article{Durr:2010aw,
66 author = "Durr, S. and Fodor, Z. and Hoelbling, C. and Katz, S. D. and Krieg, S. and Kurth, T. and Lellouch, L. and Lippert, T. and Szabo, K. K. and Vulvert, G.",
67 title = "{Lattice QCD at the physical point: Simulation and analysis details}",
68 eprint = "1011.2711",
69 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
70 primaryClass = "hep-lat",
71 reportNumber = "WUB-10-34, CPT-P055-2010",
72 doi = "10.1007/JHEP08(2011)148",
73 journal = "JHEP",
74 volume = "08",
75 pages = "148",
76 year = "2011"
77 }
79 %%%% Nf=2+1+1
80 %%%% FLAG collaboration tag: ETM 21A
81 @article{ExtendedTwistedMass:2021gbo,
82 author = "Alexandrou, C. and others",
83 collaboration = "Extended Twisted Mass",
84 title = "{Quark masses using twisted-mass fermion gauge ensembles}",
85 eprint = "2104.13408",
86 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
87 primaryClass = "hep-lat",
88 doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.104.074515",
89 journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
90 volume = "104",
91 number = "7",
92 pages = "074515",
93 year = "2021"
94 }
96 %%%% FLAG collaboration tag: FNAL/MILC 17
97 @article{Bazavov:2017lyh,
98 author = "Bazavov, A. and others",
99 title = "{$B$- and $D$-meson leptonic decay constants from four-flavor lattice QCD}",
100 eprint = "1712.09262",
101 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
102 primaryClass = "hep-lat",
103 reportNumber = "FERMILAB-PUB-17/491-T, FERMILAB-PUB-17-491-T",
104 doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.98.074512",
105 journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
106 volume = "98",
107 number = "7",
108 pages = "074512",
109 year = "2018"
110 }
112 %%%% FLAG collaboration tag: ETM 14
113 @article{EuropeanTwistedMass:2014osg,
114 author = "Carrasco, N. and others",
115 collaboration = "European Twisted Mass",
116 title = "{Up, down, strange and charm quark masses with N$_f$ = 2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD}",
117 eprint = "1403.4504",
118 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
119 primaryClass = "hep-lat",
120 reportNumber = "PREPRINT-MITP-14-020, ROM2F-2014-01, RM3-TH-14-4",
121 doi = "10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2014.07.025",
122 journal = "Nucl. Phys. B",
123 volume = "887",
124 pages = "19--68",
125 year = "2014"
126 }
128 %%%% FLAG collaboration tag: FNAL/MILC 14A
129 @article{FermilabLattice:2014tsy,
130 author = "Bazavov, A. and others",
131 collaboration = "Fermilab Lattice, MILC",
132 title = "{Charmed and Light Pseudoscalar Meson Decay Constants from Four-Flavor Lattice QCD with Physical Light Quarks}",
133 eprint = "1407.3772",
134 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
135 primaryClass = "hep-lat",
136 reportNumber = "FERMILAB-PUB-14-230-T",
137 doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.90.074509",
138 journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
139 volume = "90",
140 number = "7",
141 pages = "074509",
142 year = "2014"
143 }
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