Attachment 'Dtopi.bib'
Download 1 %%%% Nf=2+1
2 %%%% FLAG collaboration tag: HPQCD 11
3 @article{Na:2011mc,
4 author = "Na, Heechang and Davies, Christine T. H. and Follana, Eduardo and Koponen, Jonna and Lepage, G. Peter and Shigemitsu, Junko",
5 title = "{$D \rightarrow \pi, l \nu$ Semileptonic Decays, $|V_{cd}|$ and 2$^{nd}$ Row Unitarity from Lattice QCD}",
6 eprint = "1109.1501",
7 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
8 primaryClass = "hep-lat",
9 doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.84.114505",
10 journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
11 volume = "84",
12 pages = "114505",
13 year = "2011"
14 }
16 %%%% Nf=2+1+1
17 %%%% FLAG collaboration tag: ETM 17D
18 @article{Lubicz:2017syv,
19 author = "Lubicz, V. and Riggio, L. and Salerno, G. and Simula, S. and Tarantino, C.",
20 collaboration = "ETM",
21 title = "{Scalar and vector form factors of $D \to \pi(K) \ell \nu$ decays with $N_f=2+1+1$ twisted fermions}",
22 eprint = "1706.03017",
23 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
24 primaryClass = "hep-lat",
25 reportNumber = "PREPRINT-RM3-TH-17-6, preprint RM3-TH/17-6",
26 doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.96.054514",
27 journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
28 volume = "96",
29 number = "5",
30 pages = "054514",
31 year = "2017",
32 note = "[Erratum: Phys.Rev.D 99, 099902 (2019), Erratum: Phys.Rev.D 100, 079901 (2019)]"
33 }
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