Attachment 'gTu.bib'
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3 @article{Gupta:2018lvp,
4 author = "Gupta, Rajan and Yoon, Boram and Bhattacharya, Tanmoy and Cirigliano, Vincenzo and Jang, Yong-Chull and Lin, Huey-Wen",
5 title = "{Flavor diagonal tensor charges of the nucleon from (2+1+1)-flavor lattice QCD}",
6 eprint = "1808.07597",
7 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
8 primaryClass = "hep-lat",
9 reportNumber = "LA-UR-18-28007",
10 doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.98.091501",
11 journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
12 volume = "98",
13 number = "9",
14 pages = "091501",
15 year = "2018"
16 }
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